Sunday, 28 August 2022

New - Warlord Epic painting service!

Just a quick note to say that I have now added a dedicated link for my new Epic painting service. Given the popularity of these figures and the fact that I get so much pleasure from painting them I think they will sit nicely alongside my standard commission work. I have set the price per infantry strip at just £10 so £20 per base and £80 for a full Epic battalion. Full details on the link above.

Reason for this is that my own BDN armies have hit the stage (36 infantry bases, 12 cavalry and 6 batteries), where I can now just add the odd extra base as and when I feel like it. I'll be adding some Guard cavalry, probably Brunswick conversions and Nassau troops etc but will hold back on the Prussians until probably next year. In the meantime I'm working on the British Guards (60 figures) and have just finished off more British Hussars and a base of Carabiniers. I went with the sky blue jackets after a lot of research as being the most likely worn at Waterloo, the white being reserved for parade dress?

Cheers for now, and have a good Bank Holiday weekend.


The paint job @ £10 per strip.