Wednesday 30 March 2022

Finished off another box for John and a 6mm Crimea Camp scene.

Today I finished off the second half of what we call 'John's previous box' (as there is another large box waiting to be opened!). The final 16 infantry were by Newline Designs, Ottoman Command pack, Engineers, Albanian Infantry and Anatolians, all very colourful and well animated metal 20mm figures. IN addition there are three units each of 12 figures of Russian Streltsi infantry with muskets (plastic - various makes but mostly Strelet), more Turkish Command figures from the plastic set by Mars and 8 mounted Portuguese Dragoons by Strelets.

Next up are Simons 10mm Fantasy Figures, starting with the mounted Knights, then I have a couple more 15mm ECW foot regiments for Graham followed by two more WSS cavalry units for Tony so all ticking over nicely - thanks guys for all your support.

I also put together this Crimean war camp scene for DBN - Supply wagons arrive at a British camp escorted by a detachment of Scots Greys as Turkish infantry look on in anticipation with tobacco to trade! All Irregular Miniatures bits and bobs, just waiting on a few more bell tents to finish the Russian camp.

Really must have another go at that paper flag, this was the third attempt!

Sunday 27 March 2022

'Supreme Littleness' 3mm buildings and a Sardinian battalion!

I had been looking around for a range of 3mm buildings that would work with 6mm figures as I find most commercial 6mm buildings are pretty large being to scale. I have seen 2mm buildings used with 6mm figures and they don't look too bad but when I saw these I just had to order some to see what I can do with them., I think it will work. For some reason the scale 6mm buildings appear to dominate the table and the figures so hopefully downsizing and using larger clusters will give me what I'm looking for. Can't wait to get my hands on them now. Link below, scroll down to see image of 6mmfigures with painted examples of the 3mm buildings. 

Finished off the first battalion of Sardinian infantry today, I think the colourful flag gives them a nice lift. Will finish off the base when my latest order arrives from Irregular Miniatures probably this week. Probably do just the one Brigade base of  these. The wagons at left are intended for my revamped 'baggage' bases featuring bell tents, supply hut, mounted figures and a couple of wagons each.

I have received quite a hefty package from Simon for painting, lots more 10mm Fantasy figures by Warmaster. The detail is really remarkable for such tiny figures and I will enjoy working them into my schedule and having the freedom to be imaginative in the use of colours. A couple of examples below.

Friday 25 March 2022

A more uplifting post!

We have certainly enjoyed some fine weather over the past few days which has given me a real boost. Had a lovely walk yesterday with my wife along Rochester High street which is mostly pedestrianised with lost of places to eat and drink outside in the sun. We had a coffee but I was surprised just how many people were drinking beers at 11.30 am! Behind the High Street - with it's strong Dickensian connections - are the Cathedral and the Castle, always a sight to stir the heart. 

With the leg now looking 100% better than a week ago I have resumed painting, but trying to make sure I get up for breaks every hour and have a walk around. I'm currently painting for Old John, finishing off his previous box - loads more  Turks and some Strelet mounted Portuguese Dragoons, these will all be finished off by mid next week when I will start the new batch of 10mm fantasy figures for Simon. Once again these contain some wonderful sculpts/castings and I'm especially looking forward to painting the cavalry in armour and plumes with horse covering/armour. 

Of course the 6mm painting continues. Here are a few photos taken this morning as it was a nice sunny morning. Starting on some Sardinians next, probably just a couple of bases worth for now. Also planned are Horse Artillery for both sides with 6 horse limber teams.

Total so far is 19 x line infantry bases of 72 figures, 4 x light infantry/rifle bases of 18 figures, 10 x cavalry bases of 24 figures, 8 guns with limbers, 2 command bases and 2 'baggage' bases for DBN.

Wednesday 23 March 2022

Ian Smith.

Yesterday I received the very sad news of the passing of Ian Smith. A real shock as last time I was in contact with him was just a couple of months ago in January and he seemed fine. He was only the same age as me.

Some may recall here that Ian was my partner in a little venture to create some bespoke 40mm Napoleonic RHA crew a few years back and he persuaded me to go down the digital render 3D resin print rout. The result was some fantastic and unique figures.

Ian's collection of 40mm Napoleonics and ACW's won him the Best in Show game at SELWG and Partisan twice and his Sharpe inspired game was featured in an article in Wargames Illustrated  (see link below, it's quite a visual treat).

I know that Ian had been working towards a final display game based on the Hornblower TV series for which he had numerous 3D French and British sailors and ships guns crews made, special terrain pieces such as a magnificent French coastal fort commissioned and two stunning fully rigged waterline ship models all to 40mm  scale. I sincerely hope that this game will still be put on as a tribute to his dedication to the scale.

My thoughts are with his family at this time. 

Partisan 2017. A Sharp(e) looking game.

Ian's beautiful fully rigged British frigate to 40mm scale. It's a tribute to his dedication to the display game that he actually cut the bottom off this model to make to make it a waterline model that sat on specially commissioned sea terrain boards!


Thursday 17 March 2022

A slow week but more ECW's and Crimean Russians.

Had a bit of a flare up of the Cellulitis but at least this time I got to be seen by a wonderful team of Nurses following a call to 111. Quite frankly I give up with GP services, a view clearly shared by the local hospital staff who are struggling to cope with the referrals from 111 from patients who would have traditionally been seen and treated by their GP. That said my experience on the day was excellent and I feel much more reassured now that I have a proper face to face diagnosis and treatment regime. Meantime I'm able to hobble about still and the swelling is much reduced thanks to another course of antibiotics.

So the upshot of the above is that I have not got a great deal of painting done over the last week and still have not yet managed to get a 6mm game on the table as I'm very keen to do. I have managed to finish off these two Parliamentarian Regiments of Foot for Graham, 15mm Peter Pigs of course. I understand these are the last of the Parliamentarian Foot towards Graham's planned Edgehill Project (with every unit represented on the table), I think we have a couple more Royalist units to go. I must say I'm really looking forward to the day when this game is fought, it's certainly going to be an impressive sight! Of course I love painting the PP figures.

Satin varnish is still a bit wet and shiny in the photos.

Next it's back to John who has waited patiently for me to get back round to him again and I have another still unopened large box of goodies once I have finished painting the previous box of which there remains some dismounted WSS Portuguese Dragoons and a fair number of Turks in my drawer.

Meantime I'm finishing off what will be Russian Crimean war infantry base number ten, another 72 figures, this time using the 'Russian infantry advancing in spiked helmet' code which varies slightly from the earlier helmeted code in that it has muskets forward. I have a fair stash of this code in the drawer so will continue to expand. Base number ten for the allies will be Sardinian line infantry marching and that will follow.

Thursday 10 March 2022

Test paint.

These are the completed test paint for Simon, 10mm fantasy infantry and wolf riding Goblins (Warmaster), and a 28mm Senegalese officer from the Artizan French foreign legion range. Very enjoyable painting some Fantasy figures again with the freedom to be bold with colours, so I'm hoping this will lead to an ongoing commission to sit alongside what I currently have on the go. 


Tuesday 8 March 2022

Back in the swing - painting and making 6mm trees!

Yesterday I spent an enjoyable morning  making the first of what will be a batch of 6mm tree bases as inspired by Norm. I decided to go with circular bases featuring multi tress that can be placed on a thin textured template to mark areas of woods. I started by cutting a wooden skewer down to 10mm lengths and then superglued seven per base. Once dry I painted them Flat Earth. Next step was to texture the bases to match my figure bases and flock mat. Next a slightly smaller circle (40mm) was cut from thin plastic card and this was then built up with clump foliage and superglue, trying to avoid any bare edges. This was then glued down to the top of the upright sticks and that was it. I must say I'm very pleased with these, especially the canopy of foliage. I'll be making a couple  more each day this week but you can see below the first four and the method. 

I also finished off the two French battalions for Tony which had been held up due to my bad leg last week. Gloss varnished as requested I must admit I'm rather pleased with them.

I also did a test paint of the first of Simons Fantasy strips this morning. These two strips took around an hour and I thoroughly enjoying doing them, possibly gone a little mad with the bright shades but I wanted them to 'pop'. A matt varnish should tone them back a touch. Going to paint the two strips of Wolf riding Orcs this afternoon and then I have a 28mm test figure to do. Hopefully Simon will then become a regular customer. Rest of this week I'm back to Peter Pig ECW's for Graham, making more trees and finishing off a British Crimean Camp base for DBN to match the Russian one I have done.

Below: Comparative shot for scale, 9mm, 15mm and 6mm. I used my standard method in this scale of picking bold colours out of the flat black base coat and then highlighting here and there. As always they look much better 'in the flesh' at true scale. I will be basing them, 2 strips per MDF base for Simon.

Saturday 5 March 2022

Back on my feet again & Crimean Brits!

 A week on and the wonders of antibiotics have worked their magic, my leg is pretty much returned to normal, the pain is gone and the foot far less yeti like! Must confess it had me worried for a while, the speed with which it appeared took me by surprise but I have learned more about the condition and several people have described their experience of it, including the wife of a friend who apparently caught it from a hotel swimming pool on holiday in Greece.  Anyway, I'm going to be getting out for more walks now and taking greater care of my legs.

That said some limited soldier painting has taken place as I continue to work on the two battalions of French WSS foot for Tony and tinker a bit with 6mm stuff. I have been very keen to get my Anglo French Crimean army sorted out for a parade in order to see how the organisation for DBN (DBC?) works.

I'm trying to work out how best to represent the Elite British Light Division and will be adding some horse artillery with 6 horse limber teams. I'll also be adding Turks and Sardinians and of course expanding the Russians. Another job is to make small wood bases using the method described recently on Norms excellent blog

Below: French 1st Infantry Division (General Canrobert) Line, Zouaves and Chasseurs.

French cavalry (Forey) Cuirassiers, Dragoons, Chasseurs & Hussars.

Below: British 2nd Infantry Division (Sir George De Lacey Evans) 2 Brigades plus 95th rifles.

Below: Form line!

Below: British cavalry, the Light and heavy brigades.

Below: British 1st Division (HRH The Duke of Cambridge) Brigade of Guards and the Highland Brigade.

British artillery.

The complete Anglo French army so far.