This page includes links to the many different scales and periods that I have painted as an example of my painting style that I describe as a good wargaming standard. There are hundreds of photos here if you enjoy browsing painted model soldiers as I do and if you like something you see here and would like me to paint some for you please get in touch via the commission painting link.
6mm Baccus gallery. *NEW* Baccus 6mm Ancients and Rissian/French Napoleonics. AWI and WSS will follow!
18mm AB Napoleonics. - Hundreds of examples of Napoleonic French, British, Spanish, Prussian and Portuguese by Tony Barton.
20mm gallery. - Many vintage ranges on show here, mostly for 'Old John' Cunningham for whom I have painted for over 10 years, plus many Napoleonics and ECW's painted for Tony (Prometheus in Aspic blog) and even a couple of battalions I did for Ian at Vintage Hinton Hunt a few years back.
1/72nd plastics. - I have painted many of the Strelets WSS sets for Old John and must say they are very good figures indeed.
15mm ACW & AWI. - This is really a gallery of Peter Pig figures, a range I really enjoy painting.
Essex Miniatures 15mm Napoleonics. - Very nice older style range that paints up incredibly well.
6mm Napoleonics. - Loads of photos of Baccus Napoleonics here.
Robs amazing Hinchliffe ECW's! - Rob became the new owner of my 800 figure ECW collection a few years back and has worked on them since taking them to a whole new level.