I'm just indulging myself in these lovely Epic figures now! The Old Guard now comprise the 1st and 2nd Grenadiers and the 1st Chasseurs plus a battery of 12 pounders for good measure, all from a £6 sprue with plenty more left on it. I have the combined Engineer and Marin base undercoated and will add just for the variety of the uniforms. I also decided to rebase some commanders on a 60mm frontage single base for DBN as I wanted to try to give an impression of a gaggle of mounted generals on the battlefield and I'm far happier now. Lightly dressed the bases here and there but careful not to overdo it as I'm not using tufts etc on the main bases. I also found that photographing them on the back of a placemat seems to bring out the colours more accurately.
If I had to describe what really attracts me to the Warlord Epics for me it would be 'mass impact'.