Sunday, 14 August 2022

Epic Old Guard and personalities & 3 Battalions for Tony!

More painting off the production line this week, first of the Epic French Old Guard, some British and French command figures and 3 battalions of 20mm WSS French infantry for Tony. 

I held back on starting the Old Guard until I had painted a fair number of the line troops and having passed the 600 mark I could resist no longer. From the single sprue it is possible to produce an epic regiment of 80 infantry plus a strip of Engineers and Marines, but my Old Guard will only comprise 2 battalions of Grenadiers, a battalion of Chasseurs and a combined base of the Engineers/Marines plus a battery of foot artillery (2 guns). I decided to add a mounted colonel to the command base which required a little bit of cutting and trimming along with a tad of green stuff but I'm pleased with the result.

Also painted some of the command figures, great little sculpts. was surprised how soft and bendy the resin compound is but they paint up a treat.

The three battalions for Tony represent a solid 20 hours of painting over the week and I'm very pleased with the results. I changed from my usual black primer to a mid grey primer for these as I was keen to avoid any stark contrast where black shows against the sky grey coats and I think this is something I will continue to use for white/grey uniforms. 

From Monday I'm back to painting 15mm ECW's for Graham and have some 2mm Napoleonic bases to do for Geoff.