Commission work.
The last week has seen more lovely Peter Pig ECW's painted for Graham, so far standing dragoon horses and holders and another 20 cavalry. I'm currently working on 36 dismounted dragoons to match the horses (Blue/Grey and Green coats), and a pack of Blue Moon ECW civilians to finish this current batch towards the Edgehill project (please see Graham's blog at right for photos of the full army of Parliament to date). We are approaching the end of this project now, but I'm told there will be Montrose's army and Covenanters to follow and possibly Manchester's and Newcastle's armies after that!
End of this week I will be painting some more 2mm bases for Geoff, Napoleonic additions for DBN I believe. I also received a large heavy box from Old John containing 48 WSS cavalry and some additional foot figures. The cavalry are this time Strelets plastic riders but sitting metal LH horses, the reason for this being that we have found previously that it is a bit of a job to get the riders to sit the plastic horse properly and has required a lot of trimming and the use of green stuff to fill gaps that can be left. The plastic horses can also tend to lean a bit so while I had no objections to doing the work John has taken this decision and I think the end results will be better and also give them a bit of heft.
Epic progress and a new C&C board.
A few more additions to the Epics also this last week, a base of French Hussars (7th) a another base of British heavy dragoons (Guards) and a combined base of Engineers/marines for the Old Guard. Also the third and last of my British Light Infantry bases consisting of 16 men and a converted mounted officer. I'm enjoying the potential of conversion work with these plastics and have plans for future units. Generally speaking I'm thinking roughly in terms of 3 bases to a brigade including a command base. I have so far painted 31 x infantry bases plus 2 x French skirmish bases and a Rifles base, there are also 10 cavalry bases in all and 6 battery bases each of 2 guns and 8 crew so I have now passed the 700 painted figures mark! Now obviously this has rapidly outgrown the two 12 point DBN armies I had originally planned (damn these Epics), so once again my thoughts have turned to C&C and the potential for big battles with visual impact. For now I will just say that I have ordered some 100mm hexes from Warbases in order to see if this will be the best all round size for my plans. I have some 90mm's here but they seem just a bit tight if I want to fit buildings to represent BUA's etc so I think 100mm will work much better with my 6mm x 25mm infantry bases (cavalry are 30mm deep). More on this as things progress over the coming weekend.