As you may recall I wanted to see how these 3mm buildings would scale up alongside my 6mm Crimean war figures as representing larger villages and towns so ordered a few to try. I found some spare time to work on them on Sunday and enjoyed a couple of hours putting the tiny kits together and painting them. They ARE somewhat fiddly, I have to say, and require some patience but I think the results are worth the effort. Pushing tiny laser cut pieces from the 2mm MDF sheet requires a careful hand and I found my trusty tool (see pics) very useful for this, one broken section and the kit is ruined, but I managed to get everything out with no damage.
It took me a while to figure out assembly - as no instruction sheet was provided - before I remembered that a link to a PDF for each model was contained within the confirmatory email, very handy. At first glance I could not make out what all of the arrow shaped pieces were for, until it suddenly dawned on me that they were slices of roof sections! Rather clever as they are 'stepped' so that when put together they give a good tiled roof appearance. Care is required to line these sections up to get a neat finish, I'm aware that some of mine are less than perfect, but given the scale it's really not too bad. Overall, using PVA glue the kits go together well and once all of the roof slices are in place a robust little building results. The bases provided are a nice touch.
I gave everything a coat of paint using basic shades. Cavalry brown seemed a good choice for the roofs which was later washed with black ink. I also found the Vallejo black ink wash the easy solution to painting in the numerous tiny windows by turning each building on it's side and dropping it in, the etched detail holding the ink in place as it quickly dries into the MDF. The metal roof cap of the church was missing from my kit so I knocked up a replacement from green stuff for the time being, when I order more I will ask for a spare metal casting.
Scale wise I think they will work just fine with 6mm figures, the doors are about 5/6mm high and the wall sections around 4mm, I'll get a few photos of them alongside some figures in due course preferably on the terrain mat. The base texture is just tile grout painted and highlighted.
Overall I'm really glad I ordered these and I'll be ordering more from the range. I like the small footprint and the variety of building shapes and sizes. You do need to enjoy fiddly work to get the most out of these kits!