Sunday, 4 December 2022

Epic Dutch lancers & Prussian artillery, more ACW's and a chariot!

Painting production was a little slower this week due to a sprained right wrist that was quite painful for a couple of days, however I soldiered on with it strapped up and managed to knock out a reasonable amount of painting, the Dutch Lancers and 2 batteries of Prussian artillery for Tony2 and 100 Epic Rebs for Noel. I'm really pleased with the Lancers and these will be joining the Polish Lancers, Empress Dragoons, Horse Grenadiers and Chasseurs that are already painted. I will get a few group photos as soon as I finish the basing on them all, no doubt the 100 strong Imperial Guard cavalry will look a most imposing group together.

A note to the Eagle eyed among you, yes I missed the trouser stripe and this has been corrected :)

Below: and onto to more Epic Rebs! To be honest I LOVE painting Epic Rebs and now have a reliable method for painting the strips at speed which produces really pleasing results. These are for Noel, aWarlord brigade box of 3 x 100 figure regiments, a battery of 3 guns and 3 mounted officers.

I  also painted my first scythed chariot, a most vicious instrument of War pulled by four greys. Possibly I should have saved the Greys for the generals light two horse chariot but it's done now! Looking at it I must admit it's a little bright overall but I did copy it from Googled reference images so think it's OK. I also managed the first 8 spearmen so 3 elements towards the Later Achaemenid army (#33). I have the elephant and another pack of Companion cavalry of order from Essex along with some more shield transfers from Veni Vidi Veci and LittleBigMan studios, the latter being in glorious full colour. Plan is to replace the current Phalangite shields as they look a bit flat. Meantime I'm watching a lot of good DBA videos as recommended by Geoff and it's really inspiring stuff. I think the combination of a small playing area (my trusty old folding card table), simple rules, the ability to paint and collect many different armies and battles that average 45 minutes will sit very nicely with my current situation. I may have to invest in DBA Version 3 at some point but have V2 on order, picked up secondhand. 

The run up to Christmas will see the completion of Noel's Reb brigade box this week followed by more lovely Peter Pig ECW's for Graham (the war has now moved North of the Border) and the December batch of 300 more Epic Rebs for Chris in NZ so fairly busy. New Year will start with a return to Epic Prussians and I have a box in hand for good Old John which I think contains more Winged Hussars, I dread to think how many of these John has in his vast collection.