Sunday, 27 November 2022

Epics and more Epics plus more Macedonians!

 Another weeks commission work completed in the form of 2 more Epic Prussian infantry regiments for Tony2, 1 line and 1 Landwehr, each consisting of 120 figures in 3 x 40 figure battalions, strips cut in half and based on 20 x 30mm bases as requested. I am keeping the Landwehr coats (Litewkas) slightly lighter blue than the Prussian Blue of the line to represent the cheaper inferior cloth used as most references seem to suggest, as usual blue looks slightly brighter in the photos under the lights. It also gives a little more contrast to the overall look of the Prussian army. Prepping up today 20 French Guard lancers for the Dutch (Polish already painted), 2 x 3 gun Prussian artillery batteries and a couple more mounted officers to finish this months batch.

Total painted figures so far toward this large commission will be:

6 x 120 figure infantry regiments (18 battalions) = 720 figures.

French Guard cavalry, 5 x 20 figure cavalry units = 100 cavalry

2 batteries of guns (6 plus crews)

Mounted commanders.

Next batch will be dedicated to Prussian cavalry as I have all those from the Bluchers  Army box plus an additional cavalry Brigade box plus odd sprues to do. There are also 12 French heavy cavalry sprues on the way from Warlord via their Black Friday sale! Tony2 is going BIG on this project.

Thursday is scheduled for the start of another ACW brigade box for Noel, 300 figures plus a battery of guns, 7 days painting, then onto more 15mm ECW's for Graham so it's keeping me busy. December will see another 300 Epic Rebs for Chris in NZ.

The completed 2 WSS German regiments for Tony (Foy) were posted early this week but have yet to arrive due to postal strikes! Well packed though so will be fine but I'll be glad when they arrive.

My little foray into DBA using Essex Miniatures continues to tick along with the Macedonians almost completed. I have just another 8 Phalangites to complete the options provided and I'll be adding an additional Cav. element plus an Elephant which will allow expansion to Early Successor army. To be honest I really just want to paint an elephant! I also need some shield transfers for the shields of the Auxilia.

Meantime today I simply cannot resist starting on this 4 horse scythed chariot being the start of Later Achaemenid Persian army (33). Always wanted to paint a chariot but never done so I don't think.