I got a little over enthusiastic about the Epics for a couple of posts there and neglected to mention commission work! I'm still painting epics for myself but at a much slower rate now. Still, I managed to add the Foot Guards this week, 3 bases representing the Brigade which I don't think looks too bad with 60 figures. I also gave the Carabiniers a repaint on the coats as the body of evidence does indeed now seem to point toward the white coats being worn at Waterloo. I'm looking into how best to represent some Nassau infantry next.
Commission work.
I forgot to show the dismounted dragoons and villagers I sent to Graham earlier, but this week I have started on the latest box from John, 4 companies of Garde du Corps of the WSS using Strelets plastic figures on replacement metal horses which certainly helps to provide a better fit. First two companies are painted along with 4 mounted generals, one for each of the companies. Each company has a different saddle cloth and holster colour and individual holster designs but wear the same basic blue coat with red cuffs and breeches. Will be 48 mounted figures in all plus there are some other bits in the box! I also have 2mm Napoleonics on the go for Geoff.