Saturday, 5 March 2022

Back on my feet again & Crimean Brits!

 A week on and the wonders of antibiotics have worked their magic, my leg is pretty much returned to normal, the pain is gone and the foot far less yeti like! Must confess it had me worried for a while, the speed with which it appeared took me by surprise but I have learned more about the condition and several people have described their experience of it, including the wife of a friend who apparently caught it from a hotel swimming pool on holiday in Greece.  Anyway, I'm going to be getting out for more walks now and taking greater care of my legs.

That said some limited soldier painting has taken place as I continue to work on the two battalions of French WSS foot for Tony and tinker a bit with 6mm stuff. I have been very keen to get my Anglo French Crimean army sorted out for a parade in order to see how the organisation for DBN (DBC?) works.

I'm trying to work out how best to represent the Elite British Light Division and will be adding some horse artillery with 6 horse limber teams. I'll also be adding Turks and Sardinians and of course expanding the Russians. Another job is to make small wood bases using the method described recently on Norms excellent blog

Below: French 1st Infantry Division (General Canrobert) Line, Zouaves and Chasseurs.

French cavalry (Forey) Cuirassiers, Dragoons, Chasseurs & Hussars.

Below: British 2nd Infantry Division (Sir George De Lacey Evans) 2 Brigades plus 95th rifles.

Below: Form line!

Below: British cavalry, the Light and heavy brigades.

Below: British 1st Division (HRH The Duke of Cambridge) Brigade of Guards and the Highland Brigade.

British artillery.

The complete Anglo French army so far.