Thursday, 17 March 2022

A slow week but more ECW's and Crimean Russians.

Had a bit of a flare up of the Cellulitis but at least this time I got to be seen by a wonderful team of Nurses following a call to 111. Quite frankly I give up with GP services, a view clearly shared by the local hospital staff who are struggling to cope with the referrals from 111 from patients who would have traditionally been seen and treated by their GP. That said my experience on the day was excellent and I feel much more reassured now that I have a proper face to face diagnosis and treatment regime. Meantime I'm able to hobble about still and the swelling is much reduced thanks to another course of antibiotics.

So the upshot of the above is that I have not got a great deal of painting done over the last week and still have not yet managed to get a 6mm game on the table as I'm very keen to do. I have managed to finish off these two Parliamentarian Regiments of Foot for Graham, 15mm Peter Pigs of course. I understand these are the last of the Parliamentarian Foot towards Graham's planned Edgehill Project (with every unit represented on the table), I think we have a couple more Royalist units to go. I must say I'm really looking forward to the day when this game is fought, it's certainly going to be an impressive sight! Of course I love painting the PP figures.

Satin varnish is still a bit wet and shiny in the photos.

Next it's back to John who has waited patiently for me to get back round to him again and I have another still unopened large box of goodies once I have finished painting the previous box of which there remains some dismounted WSS Portuguese Dragoons and a fair number of Turks in my drawer.

Meantime I'm finishing off what will be Russian Crimean war infantry base number ten, another 72 figures, this time using the 'Russian infantry advancing in spiked helmet' code which varies slightly from the earlier helmeted code in that it has muskets forward. I have a fair stash of this code in the drawer so will continue to expand. Base number ten for the allies will be Sardinian line infantry marching and that will follow.