The new mat arrived yesterday from Geek Villain, so I wasted no time in laying out to see how well it works with my basing style, pretty well spot on I'd say! Quick video which saves a lot of typing (once again please excuse my mumbling, I must work on this). Needs a good iron as you can see but it's fully washable and a great quality product which I would highly recommend and a big improvement in my opinion over the printed cloths I had previously because it's thick enough to lay over hills without creasing, especially in 6mm scale. I plan to make some more larger realistic hills. Woods need improving and I might buy some of the S&A Scenics small trees to replace the clump foliage you see here. The video gives a good impression of how I want the armies to look when when deployed in Divisions I think with the big battalions giving a quite realistic effect.
Latest off the desk is the French heavy cavalry base below consisting of Dragoons and Cuirassiers - a nice splash of Napoleonic like colour in the Crimea. French light base almost finished.