Couple of rather nice units painted so far this week for John. These are more of the lovely Minairon Miniatures representing Catalonian infantry of the war of the Spanish Succession. Regiments Diputacio (Blue) and Barcelona (Red). The former changed from off white coats to blue in 1705 and John requested three figures painted in the off white which makes a nice contrast. Just need a coat of satin varnish.
Currently on the go are some Minifigs French cavalry Le Roi) to be followed by a 12 figure Catalonian cuirassier regiment which are Les Higgins.
The 6mm's continue to grow! I'm working on more French now with a base of Guard infantry in bearskins and red trousers, 72 figures and also adding more cavalry with Dragoons and Hussars. I'm also keen to introduce some Sardinians.
23 infantry figures painted over 3 days for Johns collection.