Friday, 22 October 2021

More 6mm Crimean War - and a plan!

 Beautiful morning here in Rochester, coffee and toast, fed the cats, walked the dog, primed another eight 20mm soldiers and ready to spend a few hours painting.

The 6mm's are coming along nicely, I REALLY like the Irregular Miniatures cavalry castings, the horses are slightly chunkier than Baccus so I can get some highlights on the rear, it's really about carefully picking detail out of the black base with these figures. 

I have a bit of a plan for the Crimean war, a modest one to begin with but it's a plan! I'll be starting with just 8 bases per side, 4 line infantry (one of which will be designated as Guards) 1 skirmisher base, 2 cavalry ( light and heavy) and a battery of guns, plus a command stand. This will allow me to play through some small solo games. The board will be just 2 x 3 and what I want to do is to make it up from 6" interchangeable squares with all terrain features modelled on. This will be phase 1, and beyond that there is the option to produce more terrain squares and many more figures, but that's for the future. I estimate that within a few weeks this could be done. I'm thinking of 3mm MDF for the basic squares, sealed with varnish before texturing. I envisage winding roads and streams, hills, woods and towns all modelled onto the small squares, this is something I have wanted to do for years now.

Of course the commission painting comes first, I'm currently working on English Foot Guards and a regiment of horse of the WSS for Tony. I have an enquiry to paint 80 German Volkssturm in 20mm scale something I would enjoy doing if confirmed so fingers crossed. I just can't capture the subtle tones of the reds with my old phone camera but I'm really pleased with the first 8 soldiers.

Added the Scots Greys, Rifles and more Russians to the 6mm's, I'm not certain that the Greys still had that red patch rear of the bearskins by 1854, references are hard to come by?