Monday, 18 October 2021

6mm Crimean War - a decision on basing.

 As I paint through a couple more ECW foot regiments for Graham I'm also doing a bit here and there on the 6mm's. This range has really grown on me, nice crisp castings with plenty of detail that seems to emerge as I paint. I was not sure how or even if I wanted to stick them onto large unit bases as I'm less keen these days on 2mm bases with 6mm figures. My solution was to try using thin plastic about half a mil thick but stiff enough to do the job and cuts easily with a craft knife. I gave the bases a coat of green paint to help key the PVA glue  before adding fine grit and a touch of static grass, all in all I'm happy with the results. So far there are two Russian infantry regiments, British Guards, Highlanders and line and a base of Lancers. I'm kind of thinking along the lines of The Portable wargame on the good old folding card table that might just scratch that gaming itch again and I'm brimming with idea for it! I'll knock up a couple more Russian units then do some British riflemen (superb little sculpts these), and British Command base. I also have the Scots Greys to do and will order up some Russian Cavalry and the first artillery. Excellent customer service from Irregular Miniatures, arrived 3 days after ordering.

Edit: You know what, I'm going to have to make the cavalry up to 24 figures so they match the frontage of the infantry bases! Should also make them more impressive.