37 figures by Fightin'15's painted for JBM's Victorian Sci Fi project. Enjoyed doing them. Note the central unit wearing gas masks, with the requested silvered lenses giving them a quite menacing appearance. They are finished with a satin varnish and JBM will be texturing them. I did attempt a test paint over the white base coat but really could not make it work so they all got a thinned wash of matt black before I started.
Couple more ECW units for Graham coming next and then next week I'll make a start on John's latest box which as usual contains some really interesting figures.
Now then, thanks to JBM sending me a link to some beautifully painted and based 2mm (yes, 2mm) figures I simply could not resist seeing if I would be able to achieve the same standard of painting on them. I had actually been looking at them on the Irregular site for some time, but the wonderful examples on the Sidney Roundwood blog pushed me over the edge ....... so I have a small (!) order in for some of the ECW blocks. I'm rather excited about this as a potential challenge. Take a look at these wonderful 2mm games, The Siege of Portsmouth 1642. Lutzen 1632.