Sunday, 15 August 2021

Looking back at some old work.

I have spent a pleasant morning looking back through some of the old blog pages that have not been linked for several year, actually going back almost ten years! Thought some might enjoy a flick through these images so as I can't figure out how to add a navbar I'll just add them here. Reminds me of just how many figures I have painted and sold over the years and why it makes sense now for me to just paint on commission for friends. 

Above: AWI command bases painted 10 years ago!

15mm Peter Pig AWI's (and a few shots of the PP ACW's) I think I painted these around 10 years ago as they are pre blog.

'Continentals' Peter Pig.

6mm ECW by Baccus.

28mm Napoleonics.

15mm Napoleonics (Essex Miniatures).

6mm Painting Guide.

6mm Napoleonics.