Wednesday, 18 August 2021


Today I completed the four ECW regiments of foot for Graham, 2 Parliamentarian and 2 Royalist although the only real difference is the offices sash colours. Each are of 27 figures including the 3 command figures, and 2 are 2/1 ratio pikes to muskets and the other 2 are 'pike heavy' 1/1 ratio. Pleased with how they turned out overall and all are now removed from the caps and ready to pack in the morning. Next up are one of Old John's Strelets units of 24 1/72nd scale units representing British foot of the WSS.

Meantime my small (!) tester order arrived from Irregular, 2mm ECW blocks. I really like these things and wasted no time in sticking a few on bases and undercoating them. What you see there was around 30 minutes painting, my eyes were a little tired after todays painting but still I think I about managed to achieve what I had in mind. Please don't bother blowing the images up because this is very much impressionistic painting, if you stand back a foot or so they work as intended I think. The basing will require some very fine sand. I'm just going to do a few bases to begin with and see where this goes, but I'm really attracted to the idea of making some terrain for them and to this end these little buildings by Brigade Models are wonderful.