Monday, 5 April 2021

Epic Easter Parade!

So after 3 weeks of frantic painting I have completed the first 600 infantry, 7 guns and crews and a couple of mounted Generals. It's a very good start to a project that will now slow down a bit as I turn my brushes to some commission work, but I still plan to add a few bases per week to keep things ticking over. I have to say these strips really suit my style and the end results are very pleasing. I have settled into a routine of doing 3 strips at a time, and the timing is about 4.5 hours per regiment including basing. About the same for both sides, Yanks quicker to paint but takes time to trim down all of those hats to kepis!

A couple of points to note:

The gaps in the regimental frontage does bother me a bit. I ordered some 50mm wide MDF bases with the plan to rebase but when they arrived the strips would not fit! 55mm would work to close the ranks, but is it worth the effort to save 5mm? I'm not sure yet but need to decide before I go much further.

The artillery models do lack a bit of detail and are quite chunky and generic. I don't mind the wheels with the lack of spokes and I like the crew figures so I'm going to probably replace the carriages and barrels with metal Kallistra versions which are on the way to me and should fit well. Meantime I tried trimming down the barrels to look more like the rifled guns, not brilliant but better.

I have substituted the mounted commanders with metal Kallistra ones simply because they are such lovely sculpts with more variation. Horses are very slightly smaller than the epic version so I may well stick with Kallistra for all of the mounted cavalry at least, not sure yet, the epic cavalry look great BUT the price is  steep compared to the metals at £40.00 for 60 resin cavalry. Kallistra work out £24.00 for 64.

Some may recall my mention here of the 1st edition Fire & Fury rules and my attempts to track down a copy over the last year or so? Well, ebay finally produced the goods, a set in good condition with all the playsheets etc, and I managed to get them for £20.00 ( the buyer was asking for £30.00 buy it now). Should be with me later this week and I have a few thoughts on using them with these bases. I have to say back when the rules were first released I loved them and played many games both solo and against various opponents including members of the South London Warlords. 

I also have some 10mm scale ACW buildings on order from Timecast, it would seem that this old wargamer is not yet ready to give up completely, that maybe Napoleonics were simply just not for me, and that I will find what I have been looking for in this epic project, a few thousand of these figures could look mighty impressive!