Sunday, 25 April 2021

Ups and downs - Edited.

Edited to remove health bulletins, this blog should be about painting soldiers after all but I do thank those who posted supportive comments :) Taking a short break but back once painting can resume, meantime the Pigs have landed.

Dear Lee,

You will be pleased to know that the following items from your order RC24595464 have been despatched.

2 x ECW Muskets Cap
2 x ECW Muskets Hat
1 x ECW 2 Light guns
2 x ECW Cavalry command in Hat
2 x ECW Cavalry command in Helmet
2 x ECW Cavalry with Hat and Sword
2 x ECW Cavalry with Hat and pistol
2 x ECW Cavalry with helmet and Pistol
2 x ECW Cavalry with helmet and sword
1 x ECW Cuirassiers
1 x ECW cuirassiers +sash/plume
1 x ECW Cuirassiers command + sash/plume
1 x ECW Dragoon command on foot
1 x ECW Dragoon hurrying
2 x ECW Foot command Advancing
2 x ECW Foot command Standing
1 x ECW foot dragoons
1 x ECW Gun crew firing
1 x ECW Gun crew loading
1 x ECW Halberdiers
1 x ECW Medium gun
1 x ECW mounted generals(3)
2 x ECW Muskets loading
2 x ECW muskets standing
5 x ECW Pikes vertical(cast on)
2 x ECW wounded cavalry
1 x ECW Wounded Foot