Saturday, 10 April 2021

Out of action!

This week has seen barely any painting save a couple of 6mm regiments of WSS horse for Gerry because for the last few days I have started to feel really unwell which has resulted in my being barely able to get out of bed, whatever it is has really knocked me out. Wednesday morning on my my usual dog walk I almost passed out, managed to carry on and get home but my hands and feet were like blocks of ice and I just could not get warm, even under the duvet. Four days later little has changed and my body has erupted in  large itchy patches, not sure what's wrong but I'll be phoning the GP on Monday morning. Probably just a bad dose of flu and I can do little else but tuck up and sleep it off.

Had a top up of Vallejo paints arrive including German Field Grey which will be used for my AB WW2 Germans, a great match for what is otherwise a tricky shade to match. I also took delivery of an Exacto Blade which will be perfect for cutting down bases, don't know why I have never owned one before.

Meantime the painting desk remains inactive, a rare thing. Once back in action next week (hopefully) I will finish the last unit of Austrian Cuirassiers for Gerry, prep up some Peter Pig ACW's for Graham C and then open the huge box of 20mm's that arrived from John a couple of days ago. 

I'm in good hands, Sheldy is keeping an eye on me, I think he's repaying our loyalty in taking him out to Spain and then bringing  him home again in the car with us, smuggling him into a couple of cheap French roadside 'hotels' ( I use the term loosely!). He is quite a character and always at my side.