Posting these here so I can link elsewhere. Today I'll be finishing off regiment number 3 which will make the best part of 200 figures painted in a week which included my first covid jab which knocked me out for 36 hours afterwards, just too tired to pick up a paint brush. No complaints and all back to normal now.
I'm liking these a lot, the speed at which I can knock them out is surprising even myself. I'm making myself no promises as to where I'm going with them, just enjoying the experience. Clearly Warlord are on a winner with this, I read that the launch has far exceeded initial sales projections, the initial production run was doubled but sales currently sit around four times the initial projections, pretty good business for Warlord, love them or hate them (as many seem to do).
At this rate I'll have the 2400 figures in my box licked in about 3 months :) Strips are coming in around 1.5 hours per 2 *(I'm doing 3 at a go now so half a unit) not including basing.
Going to do 3 Union regiments next which should be even faster, but I'm going to trim down all those hats to kepis so maybe a round the same time.
*Edit: I know timings don't mean much to most but I like to have some idea of commitment. A 6 strip unit is averaging 4.5 hours so around 1.5 hours per 2 strips/base. I'm actually doing 3 at a time which feels more manageable than 4.