Thursday, 14 January 2016

Let's get this done!

I can't say I'm enjoying being up to my elbows in scenic materials, I really need to push myself now to get this job finished so that I can get back to some painting and wargaming. Several hours work has seen me almost complete the extensive 'bocage' sections, as you can see they almost hide a Sherman! With the pinning and basing done next step will be to seal everything with a gloopy mix before bringing it all together tonally. The top layer of the crop field needs painting and I'll try to disguise the join if possible. The apple orchard is coming along, not sure if I want to simply drill the trees into the base for more stability and loose the small removable bases, might do, then the trees will have nice rosy red apples placed in them, (probably a nice Kentish variety!).

Current count on the bags of tree foliage stands at 18 bags used, I'm glad that's done at least. Some pictures of the ongoing works, hopefully by next post all will be finished, the table edged in pine and those Shermans can be completed, the tracks etc remain unpainted on two of them. I set up the tanks on a stretch of road with the hedgerows, reminded me of the scene from Fury just before the lead tank went up in flames from a panzerfaust shot. In order to try to emphasis the fact that I'm modelling fairly close action here with tanks in infantry support role I have ordered more metal crew figures, including infantry standing behind the turret firing the MG.

The room is also going to get a makeover, or at least a repaint, and then I'll sort out some prints for the walls.