Sunday, 27 January 2013

Russian expansion - unit breakdown.

There is much excitement and eager anticipation online centred around the release of the Commands & Colors Russian Expansion. I have been waiting to find out the block breakdown before going ahead with my own 6mm Russians, and here it is:

Russian Units
Line Inf 9 units 3 blocks each (plus up to six of the units may be strengthened to 4 blocks each by Mother Russia special rule)Light Inf 6 units 3 blocks each (plus up to three of the units may be strengthened to 4 blocks each by Mother Russia special rule)
Grenadier Inf 4 units 4 blocks each
Guard Lt Inf 2 units 4 blocks each
Guard Gren Inf 2 units 4 blocks each 
Militia Inf 2 units 4 blocks each
Lt Cav 3 units 4 blocks each
Hvy Cav 2 units 4 blocks each
Cuirassier Hvy Cav 2 units 4 blocks each
Gd Lt Cav 1 unit 4 blocks
Gd Hvy cav 1 unit 6 blocks
Cossack Cav 3 units 2 blocks each (plus up to four more Cossack two block units may be added by Mother Russia special rule)
Foot Arty 4 units 3 blocks each (plus up to four of the units may be strengthened to 4 blocks each by Mother Russia special rule)
Horse Arty 1 unit 3 blocks
Guard Foot Arty 1 unit 3 blocks
Leader 4 blocks

French units (no new types - just added units to basic)
Line Inf 2 units 4 blocks each
Younf Guard Inf 2 units 8 blocks 
Old Gd Inf 3 units 12 blocks
Gd Foot Arty 1 unit 3 blocks
Leader 1 block

Bit disappointing to see the Cossack units at just 2 blocks each, but I'm happy to go along with the designer on this. I have just painted my second Cossack unit, a red coated unit of Guard Cossacks to contrast with the blue coats of the previously painted unit. This regiment was defeated by the 23rd Chasseurs a Cheval at Polotsk in 1812, who were glad to capture some of their horses which they considered excellent. I'll focus next on building up some line and light battalions. I am inclined to base my Russian infantry in columns (similar to my French).

Blog plans.
As we move into 2013 I have been giving more thought to the future direction of my blog. I am now determined that this blog will remain focused on Napoleonic battles and Commands and Colors rules. To this end I'll be removing the recent non - Napoleonic posts and re-posting all of the 'Ancients' pics etc over on the 'WarArtist' blog as examples of my work. What I plan here for the year ahead is as follows:

  • A 6mm Russian army, plus the expansion of the French Grande Armee once Baccus have redesigned the French range, which will now include infantry in greatcoats and many more codes.
  • To play and post as many of the scenarios from the Peninsular War as possible and to present them in a consistent style as a series.
  • To then later play and post scenarios from the Russian expansion.
  • To gradually begin to work towards the final 'Waterloo' scenario, which I plan to do on a larger scale grid using each base to represent a single 'block'. It's a long term focus, but I have it very much in my sights. I'm looking towards 2015 of course for this.

Above all I want this blog to remain a useful source of reference for anybody contemplating using C&C-N with miniatures, but more especially with 6mm miniatures. I'd like to thank everybody who continues to follow the blog, and I hope you enjoy the future direction. For a taster, here is the scenario list from the new expansion set .... quite mouthwatering don't you agree?

Czarnowo - 23 December 1806
Golymin - 26 December 1806
Pultusk - 26 December 1806
Mohrungen - 25 January 1807
Eylau Plateau Russian Rearguard - 7 February 1807
Eylau - 8 February 1807 (8AM to Noon)
Eylau - 8 February 1807 (Murat’s Cavalry Charge)
Heilsberg (Opening Phase) - 10 June 1807
Friedland - 14 June 1807
Borodino - 5 September 1812 (Shevardino Redoubt)
Borodino - 7 September 1812 (Village of Borodino)
Borodino - 7 September 1812 (Utitza)
Borodino - 7 September 1812 (Raevski Redoubt)
Polotsk - 18 October 1812
Maloyaroslavets - 24 October 1812
Krasnoi - 17 November 1812
Crossing the Berezina - 27/28 November 1812
Champaubert - 10 February 1814
Montmirail - 11 February 1814
Craonne - 7 March 1814