Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Commands & Colors Napoleonics - a review.

Pleased to report that the party went well and the snow held off for us, in fact I think  down here on the Kent coast we may well be one of the few places now clear of the stuff?

I was browsing through some C&C N related videos on YouTube the other day and came across this very watchable review of the Napoleonic base game which I thought would be worth sharing here for anybody who might be thinking about trying the game, either with miniatures or with the supplied blocks. As I have mentioned before I personally find this board game with its excellent printed graphics and wooden blocks really attractive. I have been trying to track down a copy here in the UK but can only find the Spanish Expansion available - for which you need the base game in order to play the scenarios. As I have said before, all of the components required to play this game with miniatures are available as official GMT Games downloads, but I'd like to get a boxed game set now. It's not cheap, but I think it's well worth the investment. If anybody happens to know of a UK stockist or indeed if it's even still available please drop me a line.

Here are the two reviews I found particularly good, the guy gives an informative balanced account of the Napoleonic additions to the familiar C&C mechanisms. He explains the use of squares in the game very clearly and also reminded me of the advantage of using 'combined arms' attacks, where for example an attacking infantry unit can be supported by artillery fire resulting in both attacking units throwing their combined dice together, the advantage being that both units can score hits before the target gets an opportunity to 'battle back'. If the player times it right, combined  arms combat can be very effective. Like the guy in the video I remain completely won over by this game for it's sheer playability and pace.

First, a short review of the base game.

Secondly a review by the same guy of the Spanish Expansion set. I'm intrigued by the 'Guerrilla Action' discs, must add an interesting extra dimension to the game.
