Monday, 1 July 2024

More for Old John !

Another weeks painting for Old John has seen me finish off 'Page 1' of the lists for this huge batch! A real mix of subject matter and a very enjoyable paint. I'll try to describe what's here:

  • Polish Panceneri 12 figures, Irregular Miniatures riding mixed horses.
  • Cossack artillery 'LW' box set 12 gunners plus cannon. (see box art and rear).
  • Bavarian Mounted Grenadiers (Black watch Miniatures) mounted and dismounted.
  • Union Artillery 9Strelets) 8 Gunners and 30pdr Parrot rifle!
  • Assorted ACW figures - Airfix, Hinton Hunt, various plastic 1/72nd.
  • Clan Cunningham (Mars) 12 figures.
Just finishing off the Horse Grenadiers this morning before going straight into another 60 mounted Indians for Mark. Then more Epic ECW's for Noel. 

Looking ahead I do have another customer who has commissioned me to paint a Division of Warlord Epic French infantry plus cavalry to begin with! As usual worked out on a monthly rolling basis. This means that I am now at full capacity for the rest of the year at least.

For myself I am going to start a new small project, the American Revolution in 15mm using Peter Pig figures based for DBN rules so 12 bases per side plus a few optional extras. The AWI was going to be Graham's next project for me to paint  and I was looking forward to it as I really enjoy painting Peter Pig futures but sadly he passed away earlier this year.