Tuesday 18 June 2024

Epic scale prints from Battle Honours 3D.

Well, having cancelled my order a week ago after waiting 4 weeks for a shipping confirmation these arrived yesterday! There is not really much that I can say by way of a review other than that I am glad that I only placed a test order. Printed at 13.5mm 'Epic' scale requested from the drop down menu these 6 strips of 6 individual figures were priced at £8.95 plus postage via eBay. The renders looked great but I have to say that in this small scale far too much detail has been lost  and they are incredibly brittle, the rifles especially are so thin that they are totally unsuited for table top handling. I tried to clean up just one figure by carefully trimming away the supports but the rifle end just snapped off. It is a shame, but in my opinion the time and effort required to get these anywhere near ready for painting would simply be wasted. I'm glad  that got to see them close up but that is as far as I will go other than to say that I'm sure they would be far better in the larger scales such as 28mm.


  1. Bloody hell, I can hardly make out what's supposed to be there!! Glad you didn't waste too much dosh on these.

  2. It's mad isn't it Ray? There could be some OK figures under that lot but it's impossible to get to them without bits snapping off!

  3. So, now you're buying figures that come ready hidden in a cornfield? ;o)

    1. That did occur to me when I saw them Rob! Talk about can't see the woods for the trees :)

  4. I cannot even imagine where you would start your efforts to get these fellas ready Lee.
    I’m very much a “metal” gamer - OK, some Airfix tanks etc 😉 - but resin or 3D printed figures are outside my comfort zone. I’d be too concerned about their fragility. Even with metal figures I’m careful with the figure poses and, when basing them, try to surround any susceptible figures with their more robust colleagues.

    1. To be honest Geoff they are a big disappointment and even if I was able to dig them out from all that resin I wouldn't use them. Maybe the scale is just too small for this technology at the moment?


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