Saturday 7 October 2023

More 2mm Cigar Box armies , 15mm ECW and 3mm DBA game!

 Painted additional bases for Geoff's 2mm DBA (half scale) collection. I like the challenge!

Also another batch of 15mm Peter Pig ECW's for John R (maybe I should call him younger John?) Next are more of the same for Graham. 

Also had another game on the folding DBA board, great fun and a narrow Roman victory, once again those warbands prove their worth against solid line of blades. Struggled to get the chariots across the shallow river , I wanted to try out the rule but kept throwing ones and twos!


  1. Absolutely splendid matey. I’m re evaluating my move away from 2 mm currently and this post amongst others has not helped one jot. What are the roads made of?

    1. Thank you JBM. I would love to see you develop your 2mm ECW C&C, possibly try it without the use of the hex grid as Graham C does using a standard distance measure, I wonder how that would work with tiny bases? The folding battlefield I'm rather chuffed with myself, could take it anywhere in a small bag complete with terrain and 8 complete armies :) Could even take it abroad :))) The roads are thin felt backed stuff (can't remember what it's called) painted and edged, I'd actually like it a touch thinner and more winding.

  2. You’ve done a cracking job on my 2mm chaps Lee. Many thanks đŸ˜‰ Those PP ECW fellas look good too.
    It’s always good to get in a battle. It might be worthwhile considering whether (as the British would be the “home” team) you could allow them a modifier, as they would presumably be relatively aware of any fords or places where the river was less deep.

    1. Thank you Geoff, I hope you will be pleased when you get your hands on them :)

      I want to expand the terrain for use in different theatres of ancient warfare and I'm giving it some thought. Next game I'll start the chariots other side of any river maybe!

  3. Your 3mm game looked great, I'm really impressed with the terrain, except (IMO and that's all it is) the hills don't quite work for me being too rounded and having too distinct an edge - although the latter is useful for gaming when determining who is / isn't on the hill.

    1. Thank you Rob. I'm still working on ideas of ways to break up the flat green board with field textures etc. As for the hills I did begin with 5mm foamboard contours as I felt that on this small board hills should not be free standing but flowing on from the edges and covering larger areas, it's also still something I'm thinking about, what you see here is the beginning, I can at least play some games as I develop the idea further.

  4. Lovely looking ECW types and graet looking tiny battlefield!
    Best Iain

    1. Cheers Iain, I'm having fun with this one!

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you, it's a challenging scale!

  6. Wow, DBA board and figs look spectacular! Well done


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