Monday, 25 September 2023

Indians, Pike and Shot and Tiny Swedes!

This months quota of Plains War Indians are 100 foot warriors. Just ready to paint the final batch of 20  figures - I find 20 a comfortable days work - then next month back to more mounted warriors. There are a further 300 mounted Indians to paint in monthly batches of around 60 before the US cavalry arrive! 

I worked hard to try and capture the darker skin tones while giving a touch of highlight on the muscles, research produces some fine old photographs, which are of course in black and white, but photos of their ancestors helped me a lot. I think it's just about right and certainly the satin varnish helps to bring out the colours. Again the castings are nice and crisp with some fine detail and all arrive pre primed in matt black which only requires a quick thinned wash after digging them out of the packing layers of sawdust. 

While I have reduced most of the Epic painting due to pressure ( new painter Daniel is proving a good choice I'm pleased to say) I am doing the odd Pike and Shot box for Noel who has been a customer for a year now and is always happy to let me fill in as and when. These four sprues were painted a couple of weeks back or so and are finally based and flagged ready to go.

In addition I have also made a start of more 2mm's for Geoff who has also been waiting patiently for a few months! Deluge Swedish just need bases finished off with a little fine flock in patched. 

For myself are more DBA Classical Indians including a couple of heavy chariot bases. As these are not strictly Indian I added some tiny parasols as suggested by Geoff! I superglued tiny discs of green stuff to dressmakers pin heads, a process which also saw me sticking my fingers together several times. I think it was worth the effort in the end? I'm now finishing the army  with 2 cavalry bases. At this poin t I was planning to call it a day with this 3mm project but have decided that some post Republican Romans would be useful so I'll finish with a Marian Reform army which is currently on order from Magister Militum.

I'll probably finish this month with a few more Peter Pig ECW units for John, a friend of Grahams who was rather taken by his ECW's and asked me to paint the same for him a few months back. Alongside another couple of 2mm armies for Geoff.