I'm back painting the October batch of another 60 mounted Plains Indians for Mark and thoroughly enjoying myself. I'm tending to paint in batches of 8 keeping the horse tones similar each batch but varied overall. For this second batch I wanted to keep the ponies fairly light on the whole to begin with including several greys. I must say that when removing the first 40 yesterday from the wine caps for storage it made me think about how spectacular the 400 + mounted warriors are going to look when Mark eventually gets to deploy them on his table next year! So this will be so far 128 mounted and 100 foot, the November batch will be another 60 mounted.
Photos look a bit overlit and please bear in mind these are 20mm Qualiticast figures. Satin varnish applied. I especially like the crashing horses. White horse eyes have been dotted out to reduce the human like appearance.
I'm now completing the last of my 3mm ancient DBA armies, the Marian Romans by painting 8 bases of heavy infantry along with a base of Auxiliaries, they will share the cavalry and skirmishers from the earlier Polybian Romans.
As you can see I now have everything stored in a lovely sparkly box thanks to my wife, I had to do the whole 'shut your eyes and hold out your hands' thing before being presented with it, never was a man so excited about a storage box! It's just about perfect and holds the 4 wooden cigar boxes containing 8 fully magnetised armies, the folding board plus terrain etc. With this about done I'm planning to make a series of 150mm x 150mm interchangeable terrain tiles marked out in 50mm square grid so I can use the armies to learn The Portable Ancient wargame alongside. I'm going to keep these one dimensional with terrain features simply painted on using textured paint only, a 9 x9 square grid to begin with. Thanks to Bob for the free PDF of the rules and I'm keen to see what I can do with project.
Marian Romans so far, the ships in the background had been gathering dust on the shelve so I think it's abut time I got them rigged.
And finally for now, I present (drum roll please), 'Ancient wargame in a box', in the words of the late Paul Daniels 'It's Magic'.
Can anyone suggest a source for 150mm x 150mm tiles please? I'm thinking 3mm MDF possibly but other ideas welcome? Cheers.