Sunday, 30 January 2022

Soviet Naval Brigade and more big boxes from John!

I seem to be settling into regular Sunday updates on painting progress. I have been busy working through these 73 Soviet Naval troops in 20mm scale for Alister and they are just about finished now. I spent a fair bit of time looking at images of these uniforms as they seem to range from black to blue. I went somewhere in between as black uniforms are too flat in this scale so a mix of Vallejo Black Grey and Dark Prussian Blue was used with some subtle highlights to  lift them as far as possible without going too blue. Some of the command figures got the lighter blue jacket often depicted and there are also a few wearing greatcoats for a touch of variety. The overall look is I think quite realistic, the touches of white also help left them a bit. They will be heading home to Brighton this week. Note: photos taken just before matt varnishing as they will be put aside to dry before packing.

Next up are the two units of ECW foot for Graham, 15mm Peter Pig figures of course, that's for this week after which I will return to some painting for Old John from whom I received two extremely big boxes on Tuesday as you can see! I will be opening them for a look through later today now that the Soviets are finished. 

I did also manage another base of 72 Russian Crimean infantry this week, so that's 7 towards my planned total of 10 per side, I'll do another (7th) British base this coming week to keep things even. My thoughts are very much on terrain now.