Monday, 22 November 2021

That Monday morning feeling - Lumley's (shiny) regiment of Horse.

Fine morning here, coffee imbibed and dog walked it's time for my bowl of porridge and to prep up for todays painting. 

Lumley's Horse (dark blue facings) now have their coat of shiny varnish and I must admit it's growing on me, I'm starting to see why the vintage soldiers look so good on the blogs as it really does lift the colours. They are of course 20mm Les Higgins with a couple of Irregular Miniatures command figures (I think?). A few shots before they get tucked away, there is another unit to paint which will be Cadogans Regiment of Horse and these are of course for Tony.

Today I'll be finishing off a 28 figure unit of Berdans Sharpshooters for Graham, more lovely Peter Pig figures before painting another 36 figure Confederate unit, advancing at Right Shoulder Shift Arms, the classic ACW combat pose.

Added another base of Russian Jager to the 6mm Crimeans and over the weekend I made a couple of round hills for the card table. I'll be laying everything out for a few shots when I get the time later this week and hope to add a second battery of guns per side before I do so. Another order is due from Irregular within the next couple of days, they turn their orders around so quickly that they arrive within a few days and sometimes sooner!