Thursday, 3 December 2020

Building the new bigger battlefield.

Somehow here in Kent we went into lockdown at Tier 1 and emerged into Tier 3 the highest level of restrictions so I'm not entirely how sure how effective the latest lockdown has been? But it is what it is and we now see light at the end of the tunnel at least. Meantime I have plenty to keep me busy.

My wife decided to put the Christmas tree up early this year, as it seems are many people around here. Result is that my painting desk has been moved out to the porch to accommodate it so I have a temporary station on the dining table. Trouble is that I like to paint with the TV and the fire on, especially during these cold months, so it's knocked output for a while. However, I do have a small mountain of MDF newly arrived from ERM to keep me busy, including loads of specially cut road and river sections that will require texturing/painting and varnishing. In addition I have another four hills cut from foamboard slices with MDF top and bases that will bring my total hills to fourteen. I think the printed tops work well this time round and the overall look is much better than the smaller 75mm hills. So far so good, I have three pieces of 4' x 2' thin ply to lay over the table which is then covered with a green felt cloth then the printed mat. I can now fit 3 or 4 small buildings into a town hex and still get the larger units in there. 

I have however made one significant 'U' turn since in that I decided that the sabot bases with the rear labels did not work for me, (after two weeks spent working on them!). So I removed all of the bases leaving the sabots mostly undamaged, which makes everything far more flexible. My plan now is to place a printed label on the underside of every base for C&C but they can still be used for smaller DBN games too. Talk about a waste of time but you don't know until you try these things.