2020 is certainly going to be a memorable year, for all the wrong reasons, but if I have achieved one thing this year it has been assembling a goodly number of painted 18mm figures. I have not done a full count but I think close to 700, now all on their new bases for Commands & Colors Napoleonics.
The new hex mat has arrived and the first nine 125mm hills are about finished (just need to glue on the last few printed tops). Road and river sections should arrive later this week so I will be able to start working on them next week, but in the meantime I hope to get a small game on the table sometime this week.
It's been a joy painting these figures, although I must confess that I have recently run out of steam a bit. I'm now focusing on John's 20mm's by means of a break!
18mm Peninsular War (mostly) Napoleonics by Blue Moon and AB.