Saturday, 19 December 2020

Last post of the year - this years project.

A short video featuring most of my 18mm Napoleonics on the C&C table 6' x 4'. From the beginning I had in mind the ability to use 40 figure infantry units for visual appeal and here it finally is. River is only there because I just finished making it, so counts as fordable! I'm pleased with the hills but maybe need a more matching shade on the sides. Sheldon the cat makes a guest appearance at the end, commanding the French.

Everything you see has been produced since March this year, and what a year it has been. There is only one thing missing and that is an opponent to play against, but fingers crossed for next year.

Here's to you all having a good festive period and thanks to those who have followed and commented upon my blog, hopefully the future will bring more wargaming to us all.