Saturday, 28 March 2020

Simply model soldiers!

I wish I could come up with some catchy post titles like other bloggers do, but I can't so here we are with yet another post featuring model soldiers recently finished off.

This lockdown is starting to get to me a bit I must confess, but we are all in the same boat and have to get on with it. The upside for me is that I have almost limitless time to paint soldiers and I'm certainly cracking through them. The completion of the 20mm Spanish infantry and mounted provost figure for John completes the  current box, and with the sun shining I laid them all out for  a group photo session in the kitchen before I pack them. The natural light allows for improved photo quality compared to those taken under my painting lamp, it also allows me to rotate the figures for side and rear views.

With the decks clear for a bit I'm turning my attention back to 40mm again for a while. While I wait for my RHA crew figures to come through I painted the two guns for them, they are of course by Sash & sabre. Won't be too long to wait now. 

I was lucky that my Perry Miniatures order was posted out on the morning that they announced the three week closure so I'm going to paint through the 24 figure battalion before I do anything else, you see below the quality of the castings, I'll split the 20 privates into 4 groups of 5 for painting then finish with the 4 command figures. After these I have the 8 Polish Guard Lancers to paint (Sash & sabre). lances will need to be added from brass rod and reigns this time possibly from tin foil.

Might need to grab a few more paints if my online suppliers are still open for business.

Meantime I now have 22 bases painted for the 6mm project with another Baccus order in the pipeline, so it's time for battle.

Lots of pictures below, painted soldiers is after all what this blog has always been about!