This week has been mostly spent painting 40mm Spanish infantry by Perry Miniatures. They are nice castings and worth the money, if you buy 10 line infantry you get them half price, so £2.25 per figure although the officer, standard bearer, drummer and sergeant still come in at £4.50 each. I'm sure it's not the done thing to discuss our collections in monetary terms, just putting it out there for information, 40mm figures are expensive to collect and given the fact that mine are still in the boxes they arrived back from Spain in some might question why I still continue to buy and paint more, fact is that I love them, I enjoy painting them and I enjoy owning them, I'll probably never be able to game with them but I do intend to get them back on display in a suitable cabinet in the future. When this battalion is finished I have the eight figure Polish Lancer unit to paint and then I shall see where I go.
With Baccus struggling to get orders out the door - they are still working but with a single casting machine operating - it could be some time before my order is filled and posted, so I'm close to running out of figures to paint. I still have another box to come from Old John which is great, but if this lock down continues as I fully expect it will I'm going to have to start something else for myself. I have a project in mind but more of this in due course, let's just say for now it's something Napoleonic in 15mm scale.
Spanish line infantry, 1805 uniform, painted over the last week. Bases cut for me by Tony Barr at east Riding Miniatures who is still battling on, I never go anywhere else for my MDF.