Wednesday, 4 March 2020

For Joshua & Old John.

Here are the Elven cavalry for James' 'For Joshua' project, 10mm Pendraken figures and lovely castings. I must admit that I struggled a bit with these to begin with, but once I got stuck into them I enjoyed doing them. In order to lift the blue horse cloths I ordered a bottle of Vallejo Blue ink wash and it immediately lifted them and boosted my enthusiasm. Still considering a final highlight of light blue and then of course the varnish. Should be ready for the post tomorrow along with the rest of the Elves and Goblins. I would still like to add some kind of artillery/war machines, but I'll get this lot off so that James can base them.

Also finished are 8 x 20mm Les Higgins Grenadiers for Old John, again wonderful castings and a pleasure to paint. Next I have a mounted General, some Polish cavalry and a couple of Death's Head Hussars in those gorgeous yellow uniforms.

Aside from this I'm focusing on my 6mm WSS project.