Sunday, 2 June 2013

Commission work - 20mm Cavalry.

These are part of the ongoing painting commission I'm doing for 'Old John'. Lovely old school charm and I try to give them a paint job that matches the style of the figures. John supplies me with a colour reference plate for each unit so it makes things easier. They just need their final matt varnish and tomorrow it's onto a unit of 12 Hesse- Kassel infantry followed by 27 'Sedgemoor' rebels - they should be fun. After that it's back to the 10mm AWI project as I have 300 figures left to complete the American infantry for early July.

Magic Wash - as referred to above is being used only after all normal painting is done, it gives a beautiful result and really brings out all of the paint shades and adds depth at the same time. It should not be confused with the 'Army Painter' style washes, I understand why people use them but I'm not keen on them myself. It takes a final coat of Vallejo varnish well, and I said before I'm now adding a few subtle 'pop' highlights after the MW and before the final varnish.

John's cavalry.