With apologies to my Napoleonic friends again I just had to post a few pics of these Romans who are ready to be collected tomorrow by their owner. These are the first 14 units of infantry (minus missing yellow shield medium infantry who are still on the painting table tonight but will be ready by tomorrow!) all painted and based by myself for Commands & Colours Ancients. The customer denotes different types on the table by the coloured edge strip, in this case red for heavies and blue for mediums. Again, beautiful little castings by Baccus. Pre cut metal bases were supplied and you can see how they represent a typical C&C 4 'block' unit, casualties being removed via the 3 single rank rear bases leaving the 2 front ranks in tact and still looking like they represent the remains of a unit ....... I really like the idea.
Auxiliaries and cavalry to follow, then onto the masses of the Carthaginian heavy infantry .... I'm very much enjoying this commission, especially as I now feel I do my best work in 6mm.
Pics with permission of the customer, lighting still not great, but you can see the mass effect.