Thursday, 18 October 2012


I must confess to having slightly lost my enthusiasm for gaming at the moment. I'm not sure why but I seem to have no interest in moving figures around the table currently. This happens to me from time to time, but unlike previously my enthusiasm for painting remains high. I think it's a lot to do with being able to suspend disbelief or something, being able to identify with those miniatures in recreating a historical battle.

I decided to let this blog stand as it is, looking back its got some nice images and information on 6mm Napoleonics which might hopefully inspire others just as I was inspired by a few favourite blogs. Meantime I'm busy with my new painting service, got a few weeks work ahead  on some 6mm figures and some 18mm AB figures so I'm happy. I'm also filling in by painting some of the bits and pieces I have left here in 28mm, although I don't accept commissions in this scale. This French gun and crew (pre 1812 line artillery) are going up on eBay today on a 3 day auction, won't go for much but at least I should get my money back for the castings.

I hope to paint another 6mm base for the Napoleonic collection over the weekend.