Thursday, 4 October 2012

Cossacks and other news!

So could this be the start of something Russian? Possibly in time yes, but I found a bag of cossacks whilst rummaging through my Baccus figures - must have found their way in to one of my orders by mistake possibly - and decided to give them a quick paint up to see how more 'irregular' basing would look. I really like the overall effect, same number of figures as all my Peninsular cavalry -18, but in three loose ranks.

Other news. 
I'm now about ready to offer my painting services, as discussed here recently. I would like to specialise in the smaller scales of 6mm and 15/18mm, plus 20mm metals. The reason for this is because I think thats what I'm best at! I'm going to spend the weekend ahead getting some info put up in a dedicated page with prices etc. Although I'm in a position to dedicate myself full time to painting I'll only be accepting one or two commission jobs at a time so as not to overwhelm myself as I did last year. In addition I'll be painting up popular 15mm units for auction on ebay, most likely in the Napoleonic, AWI and ancients periods to begin with. More shortly.

6mm Cossacks, Baccus figures.