Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Commission work update!

I continue to be busy on the commission front with batches completed for Old John and Noel. 

I finally managed to get the 15mm Steel Fist cavalry based and finished off with tiny hand made/ painted flags (cornets) as I could not find any downloadable ones and had used all of the Epic flag sheets. I think they look fine so these will all be off to Noel before end of the week. This six regiments plus six command bases completes the ECW commission and we are now back to Epic ACW again with another four infantry sprues, additional metal command strips AND a complete set of the elusive METAL Iron Brigade!  I note that Warlord are about to re  release these in resin at long last.

For Old John I have painted the following rather large batch:

  • Ukrainian Cossacks, (Redbox, made in Ukraine), Registered Infantry (30) Zaporozihan Infantry (24) and Peasant Infantry (24).
  • WSS in Spain, Phillip V Grenadiers (BUM from Spain, Resin and somewhat 'soft' fragile but highly detailed). 1 Mounted Officer, 1 officer on foot, 10 Grenadiers.
  • French Gamaches Cavalry ( BUM from Spain, resin riders on metal Les Higgins horses x 6 plus 1 Minifigs standard bearer and one Irregular Miniatures trumpeter on Les Higgins horse.
  • Albani Dragoons mounted Drummer.

All in all a nicely varied and enjoyable paint. This week it's back to Epic Napoleonics for Stephen who has sent me an additional 8 battalions of French infantry in 80 figure units which will be broken down over a couple of months. I find two battalions (16 strips) is a comfortable weeks painting and Stephen is doing all the basing himself and adding flags.