Friday, 9 August 2024

DBAWI camp#1 - 'All the Ladies love a Redcoat' !

After just 5 weeks painting I have completed both 12 point armies and have just the American baggage base to go. I'm putting some terrain bits together for use on the folding card table (2'6" x 2' 6"). There are so many great figure packs in the Peter Pig AWI range that I have no doubt I will continue to add to these for some considerable time to come now.

I could not resist a pack of 'Ladies waving enthusiastically' for use on the baggage bases but possibly I may have overdone it on this British base! I like the humour of the piece and of course the sculpts are full of the usual PP character. If I can find some suitable scale picket fencing I will add some along the side of the road in front of the ladies. 

Finishing some tree bases today and hopefully painting the fine Battlescale buildings which are 10mm scale but work well in my eyes for this project.

Commission work.

The 20mm Indians are now completed, all 450 mounted plus 100 foot figures. I think it's been a year now of monthly batches. I have just 65 civilians/cowboys on foot left for this week and that completes everything I have here for Mark so far. We have the dismounted US cavalry plus one more mounted troop to come in from the sculptor/caster then the entire commission will be finished. 

One final piece of news is that the 40mm Peninsular war collection of the late Ian Smith has now arrived safely in the US to join that of the late Graham Cummings (previously owned and mostly painted by myself) and another Australian collection. I believe  that Daniel is now the owner of around 2.500 40mm Napoleonics plus the terrain, ships etc that were so impressive at the UK wargame shows. Dan's plan is to take this huge collection to shows/conventions in the US.