Monday, 28 August 2023

All change! More 3mm ancients and 1/72nd Winged Hussars.

With batch 1 of the Pony Wars commission all safely stored away it's straight back to painting a box for Old John who has been waiting patiently for me to clear the decks of the Epic projects. A new painter has been found who will continue the Waterloo project for Tony2 and everything will be shipped off to him on Tuesday and as you can see from the photo there is a lot of it!

Speaking of the Pony Wars project a lovely surprise arrived on Friday from the local Dickens House Wine Emporium, Rochester, 6 bottles of rather fine wine with a note which read ' To celebrate the first 68'. I still can't quite get over it but suffice to say that my wife and I shared a very nice bottle of Pinot Noir with dinner on Saturday, Thank you Mark, you really shouldn't have but it's much appreciated!

So I'm now painting through Johns Box starting with 16 plastic Zvedza Winged Hussars which are coming up a treat I must say. I have four left to paint later today but could not resist sending John a  few photos yesterday. 

After this box is completed I'll be painting more 2mm DBA armies for Geoff, as usual all neatly labelled and prepared ready for painting.

I continue to be fascinated by the 3mm ancient ranges by Magister Militum and am just about to begin DBA number 8 which will be Classical Indian, lots of Elephants, loads of bow armed infantry and good quality cavalry. All armies are now fully magnetised and stored two per neat little wooden box with the latest being Parthians, 4 bases of heavy cataphracts and 8 of light horse archers, the latter based in a swirling loose formation trying to represent them riding forward to discharge their arrows  then retiring. There are 112 of them on the 8 bases which I think gives a nice mass effect. A few shots of everything neatly stored in the boxes are below. 

Room for one more army!


Gallic Warbands!

And a shot of the Epic Napoleonics heading off to the new painter Daniel on Tuesday, should keep him busy for a while!