Thursday, 18 May 2023

Starting them young!

Some may recall that Grandson Oscar (Ozzy) had a brush in his hand aged two and this weekend one of his older sisters Lilly aged six stayed over so of course she wanted to paint something too! I prepared a plastic Warlord horse, squeezed some colours onto the wet palette and then just let Lilly do her thing. She decided on a Rainbow theme and once dry I got out the grass tufts etc to decorate the base. I must say it was a most enjoyable hour for both of us and Lilly has now taken her creation home for display.

Possibly a little heavy on the grass tufts :)

Finished another ECW batch for Graham and now onto some 2mm's for Geoff and 1/72nd Strelets Polish Winged Hussars for Old John alongside finishing off another Union brigade box for Noel.

As mentioned previously I now have a dedicated Facebook page for Advance the Colours, my commission painting service and would appreciate it if you could give it a like if you are a FB user (and I know lots of hobby friends steer clear of it!). I'm only using it to feature painted figures from over the years that get lost in the blog pages. To be honest I have as much work as I can comfortably handle now for probably the rest of the year so I'm not touting for more, rather just showing off stuff I'm proud of.

Advance the Colours.

