Saturday, 29 April 2023

Some 3D printed samples!

These turned up in the post last week and I had no idea who sent them until Tony2 asked me if I had received any samples! They are of course digital sculpts and prints in resin  and are the first examples of small scale figures using this technology that I have seen close up. You might  recall the lovely 40mm scale RHA gun crew that the late Ian Smith and I had made about 5 years ago which was my first and last foray into 3D wargame figures (reminder below and I'm still astonished!). 

I see so many files on offer now that it's clear the technology has moved on massively now in the smaller scales. These are 10mm scale, they are quite chunky and to my eyes the horses are somewhat cartoonish, but I'm keen to see how they will paint up. They are also quite brittle and one bayonet was broken BUT clearly there is huge potential. Graham Cummings sent me a link to MC Miniatures yesterday and they sell some really nice looking files for Napoleonics as I had been looking for Brunswickers for Tony. Graham is having some printed but his photo certainly looked most impressive. 

So what do you think about the potential of this technology and it's impact on the hobby? Of course you don't need to even own a printer as there are services out there who will print for you!

Below: From 3D file to painted figure. 40mm scale RHA officer. Commissioned by Ian Smith and myself and printed by Graham Cummings.