Tuesday, 28 February 2023

Blogging v social media?

It's been a while since I updated the blog, I think due to a couple of reasons. Firstly I have been battling a bout of the old Black Dog/Winter Blues alongside a chest infection that has taken a long time to clear and has got me down. Secondly I have been pondering if my frequent updates consisting of endless photos of commission painting with very little actual wargaming content is the reason for the steady decline in page views here over the past six months or so. In order to publicise my painting service - which is now primarily focused on Warlord Epic figures - I have been posting around numerous social media Facebook groups and the response has been something of a revelation to me. The numbers of likes and comments far exceeds the blog but at the same time I am very attached to my old blog and indeed grateful for all of the support that has really helped me in my battle with Depression and Anxiety over the years. Upshot is that I'll post less frequently here and try to focus more on my own projects with some additional content featuring some of the commission work. 

I'm pretty well focused on the recently discovered 3mm ranges and have further plans for new armies, more of that in a bit. What I'm aiming for are a series of 'Card Table Battles' in 3mm scale, beginning with DBA. One of the major advantages of the small scales is that you can really go to town (sorry!) on the terrain, something that really interests me. 

I now have 4 DBA armies finished in 3mm, and while I have been tempted to add a fourth, a Spartan army, I have made up my mind to go for the English Civil War using the lovely figures by Magister Militum. The plan is for foot regiments of around 100 figures, 32 pike, 64 muskets plus command, all based 4 strips deep in bases 70mm wide x 25mm deep. I think this will look pretty close to contemporary illustrations and could look quite colourful with the different units in various coat colours etc. First figures are on order from MM and I expect to be able to make quite fast progress using the same painting style as on the ancients which have been basically based up and painted as blocks, picking out what's visible from a flat black base coat.

The Early Imperial Romans and Celts have already featured here as have the Carthaginians so here are the Polybian Roman opponents. What you see are the Veteran Triarii  (spears)at the rear with the Principes and Hastati (Blades) to their front with skirmishing Velites in front. Two bases of cavalry complete the army, one being the Generals element. 

The classic encounter, Rome v Carthage.

I did the test base of Spartans, and I will get round to doing the full 12 elements. Could not help but be reminded of the cover of the classic rock album 'Argus' by Wishbone Ash recorded 50 years ago and still on my regular playlist. I first them at the Hammersmith Odeon in 1977 and they do still tour, albeit getting on a bit now!