As I'm back spending a fair bit of time at the painting desk I'm going to settle into a weekly update post of output. I find this helps me with motivation.
Since my last 'progress' post 7 days ago I have painted a grand total of 75 foot and 8 mounted figures.
32 ECW Peter Pig 15mm Rebs for Graham C.
27 figure regiment of ECW foot , with purple coats.
A gun and 4 crew ECW.
12 dismounted dragoons.
Another regiment of horse ( 8 figures)
For the week ahead are the 12 Strelets 20mm cavalry for Old John. I will them continue to focus on Johns box (which contains lots of lovely Ottomans) alongside my own ECW units. I'm finding this is a good productive method, working the two together day by day.
As it's a bright morning here I also thought I'd lay out the ECW figures together for a few photos. At this point I can field two small forces, enough to begin play testing the Forlorn Hope rules that I have been spending time re-acquainting myself with.